You are what you attract …..

You don’t get what you want …you get what you are ….

So many times I go back to The Secret ….All you have to do is hone it to those vibrations …they amplify they get bigger …when you manifest ….your beliefs start to grow stronger …Its scientifically proven ….

What happens then is you get so excited …you start to …


Apply the knowledge you learn …that is power …power to grow & move ….& share it with others to grow too …& that feels amazing!!

Abraham Hicks said … “When you visualise the success of others the success for you will soar” … it’s true why ?? & how …well it’s simple …when your team takes action so do you so everyone is moving in the same positive direction! You know when you see sheep following each other well ….that in itself is the law of attraction …”mmm oh I should go this way” they say  ….and they just follow ….

Whatever you are feeling you are attracting in your day to day life ….If you are feeling down all the time that would a reason why you are not hitting your goals …you don’t feel like taking action …you have to flip it …

It’s up to you to change that …well how?

  1. Remove those around you that drag you down!! Those that do not believe that you will succeed then they will drag you down and start to take on those beliefs and you will not take action. That will pull you further away from your goals & desires.  Take action for you to serve others better!  You have positive emotions will attract positive actions it’s that simple ….
  2. Do you know what want? What makes you tick …if you don’t know what you want …then it won’t happen….what are your goals? Go back and figure it out …and write them down.
  3. Do you have a burning desire to get what you want? Are you excited??? What do you need to do to excite you..…

The steps are the passion …the end result is the goal ….once you see result happening …the rest just flows as your vibration changes to a higher note and that is just such a great  feeling!!


Oh if you haven’t already done so ..

Connect with me on Facebook  where I share more tips and tools.


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