What is your relationship with Money?

Good question right ? I don’t know any one that is totally 100% comfortable with money or the topic of money …me included 

Can this hold you back from building that business to the heights you want it to be? Maybe… Does it also ruin your relationships with others ? Maybe… Only you can answer that …all I know is that it can do all of the above.

It has taken some change of habits over the years for me change this mindset to create more abundance and guess what allow more money to come into my world.

Tip no 1. How often do you see money on the ground and you don’t pick it up?

Well if its in a note I bet you have picked right ? Never say no to money that has been made in an honest way.

For example ..finding 5 cents on the ground. It’s only  5 cents …do you or don’t you pick it up? Most people will not pick it …whether its being embarrassed cause its only such a small amount or you think you are just way too cool to pick it… Well you should be thankful that money has come to you cause somewhere in the world 5 cents is a lot, so you honour it as it disrespectful.

So next time you see a shiny ..say Thank you and pick it up!!

Tip no 2. I have been told for ever and a day …but I would also forget to do this ..Now I  have learnt from my ways.

Your money should not be not thrown in the bottom of your bag, or in an ashtray. Give your money the positive energy it deserves, fold it neatly in your wallet.

“Money is like you and me its attracted to respect and appreciation ” thank you for reminding me Marie Forleo

It’s that simple …


Oh if you haven’t already done so .

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