Intuition and fear can feel can sometimes be so similar when it comes to decision making that you become so confused!

Yes I believe that there is a brain in your stomach…  you know that space in your stomach that talks to you ?

There are many times where you have a decision and you are at the cross roads …which way do you go??

Why are you feeling this way?

So here are a couple of tools that may help you.

1.Your Gut don’t lie….

When you are at those cross roads …what is your body telling you? Do you find your body contracting starting to close off, when you of that decision and you are kind of cringing? Or does your body open up and expansive and you stand taller and feel excited and happy? So what do you do ?

There is intelligence that lives in your physical body that bypasses you mind, logic and ego… and lives in your gut!! So if you find yourself cringing at the thought then chances are the decision should be a No. If your body opens up and you feel a flutter of butterflies in your gut then it would probably be a Yes.

 2.What is the worse case scenario

When you feel that inner boulder in your gut ……and this decision turns out be all wrong …what is the worse case scenario ? How exactly would you deal with it?  So write it down …what would that mean to you emotionally financially even perhaps physically? For example would you lose money or your job? Sometimes the worst thing that can happen is that you were embarrassed or humiliated. So once you have written it down then you can learn deal with it in advance. For example .. what would you do to get back on your feet after that ? Yes it is kinda in reverse … you are just mentally preparing yourself for what may happen. So here’s the clincher on whether you should or should not go down that path …If it is beyond what you are willing to risk ..then there’s your answer don’t do it!!

But if you do all the steps and you are still confused with which road to take …try this ….

3.What is the best case scenario?

What are the positives? Did you learn something? Are you on that road to that healthier you? Are you closer to fulfilling your dreams? Did you grow as human being and financial freedom? If you take a chance and say yes…then fantastic…But…in order for you to have clarity you must right them down. This works really well especially if you need to make a decision quickly.

4.What else can you do?

Ok so here’s the last tool …So it’s been playing on your head for ages and your gut says …hmmm “I’m still sitting on the fence …” It could very well a big business decision or a career change.  Clarity comes from engagement not thought.  You have to get your hands wet what do I mean by that ? Can you do take a class, or try it on a small scale even if it’s an experiment.  If you want to change careers is there any way you go and work with someone in that field for a day (like being a shadow ..?)  Taking a test run definitely gives you clarity. So then you will run for it or step back and change it.

Most of our decisions are not permanent we have the power to alter and change them, despite all the fears that we are experiencing….

Have a fab day!!


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