Lack of Confidence is something that stops us from moving forward. Its now 2017 and I am sure you set your goals sky high…Is that right? As I have too.

Fear is the number 1 enemy and it disguises itself in lack of confidence. That is what stand between you and your goal. Its stands between the value that you need to give in the market place.

Everyone is different and  has value to give in some shape or form. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out in your business. You are valuable you do have value to give. You will be amazed how much have learned  through your own life experiences. Money is purely a by product. People want value. Do you go to a store and buy something that you don’t find value in it ? Nope !!!

How do you build your confidence Build your self belief……..How do you let go of FEAR…How do you make an impact ?

We are all different my upbringing may be different to yours…my experiences growing up may be totally different o yours  and that must be acknowledged. However your circumstances do NOT dictate the value that you have ….How you feel about yourself is what dictates it …

If you have had bad experiences…  which is truly unfortunate have the power to make that change …Forgiveness is probably the biggest tool to moving forward and improving how you feel about you and letting it go.

I understand that you find it hard to forgive but is worse… carrying around that lump in your belly that stops you from growing in all facets of your life?

If you are not confident you will not attract what you want …..

Well grab a pen and paper and write down the following …..

  1. Dressing well – improves your posture and confidence! (true) go out and do it …you will see the difference.
  2. Smile …It is for FREE
  3. Kill negative belief patterns ….its amazing what others can see….like a coach or a boot camp…a good coach will tell you the truth.. A Break through will happen.
  4. Consistency
  5. The more value you give the more confident you become

Through pain you learn and guess what… you will probably not do it again ….

Don’t take that “bad” experience and ponder and ponder its purely an area of development …

So you made a decision and you were wrong …Own it !!  that is how you overcome your fear and exude confidence!!

Apply what you know and step out of your comfort zone …you will gain WISDOM…

WISDOM equals CONFIDENCE!! It really is that simple …

Kat ….

Oh if you haven’t already done so ..

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PS if would like to know more click here ..


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