What are the habits that those high performers have? that you see and aspire to be have?

How can you gain that next level of influence to help you in your business, or your relationships at work or in your personal life. How do you get the best out of your self…or create that team that will explode your business?

So what’s the secret …is there one? Well not really ..it’s actually quite simple. Sometimes common sense is not common practise.

High performers gain a greater influence in the world. This really is the fastest way to reach your dreams and goals.

People follow people ….You need to ask yourself how many in your circle have that trust in you and you can whole hardheartedly say that they will trust you and believe in you and they will ultimately buy from you. Now you need to be honest with yourself. If it’s a handful then well yes….there’s an area of improvement.

What can you do to change this today…well…….I am sharing with you 3 simple tips that I have adopted.

I would like you to time frame these changes and watch what will happen? Make it a 10 day plan …


  •       Set up intentions cues. Know how you want to serve your people and how you want to be perceived. Eg Do you just kind of show up and hope for the best and just react on emotional cues rather intentional cues. If you were asked how would you like be described and perceived what are they ?                               Are they… Compassion ? Happy ? Energetic? Inspirational ?  Then be it!!

Write them down to remind you…I have mine on my phone as a reminder …the more you see it ..the more you will work on it and be it!!! It will eventually be built into your unconscious state.

  •    Energy triggers …. Ok so what are they ?  What is your energy level when you connect with others. If you want to serve others well you need to think about how your energy effects others…to be able to get a result. Energy matters how you deal with your team, your family and your relationships…. How do you do it?? Well it could be a sound  that will set your trigger off …this will put your vibration to a higher level ….Ultimately you will feel better and so will the person you are serving.
  •    Positive cue …don’t start off with a negative cue…eg if your team did not get the results you want …you don’t say ..well you didn’t get “XYZ” in sales …you didn’t  do “XYZ”…How do think that person feels ? Not positive right ?

Lets talk personal relationships for a second …how many times have your heard …Why didn’t you load the dishwasher? Instead            of a “good morning!! ” Years of conditioning can be changed …you can undo a habit….How about starting the conversation on a            positive note?  Once you change the initial conversation with a person you will achieve a much better level of interaction. Guess            what happens next …you will achieve a higher performance.

Yes simple right?

Yet most of us don’t do this …Simple tools that separate those high performers from those that are not…..Apply them today and watch your attitude and business change ….and you too will become a high performer !

Kat x

PS if would like to learn more click here ..


Oh if you haven’t already done so ..

Connect with me on Facebook  where I share more tips and tools.

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