Why you should ditch that word “Perfect” and dive straight in

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That word “Perfect”  what does it actually mean???  Is it just a fancy word that stops you or stalls you from moving forward ? YEP!!!

How often do you hear …I will do “X”  when I get the perfect “Y”…For example …I can’t start selling until I have that perfect website… or in order for me to look more professional I need a certain branded clothing ….. I have been guilty ….the subconscious will you any excuse it feels comfortable with when it gets too hard ..

What is perfect anyway !! What is ” perfect ” for you may not be “perfect ” for another …and on the opposite end …what is not “perfect” for you is perfect for another …it real is someone perception. How often have you heard …Oh don’t look at my work it’s not finished…yet when you had already looked at it before they mentioned …you thought it was great yes? This happens so often ….

Wouldn’t it be better to be real to yourself and seize the moment ? It’s not that you are denying the fact that you have work to do …and you have a lot to learn…but that you are not making an excuse of it’s not perfect therefore you will not do it…

I say we ditch that word all together as it conjures feelings that you are not good enough to move forward and it creates barriers …

Dive in …and give it a go …yes you will make mistakes …but doesn’t it hurt more when you waiting for that perfect moment ? Yes it does…Perfect… I don’t think exists as we are forever changing and learning ….in our lives and in our businesses…its like that revolving door …do you want to be on the side of the door that is taking action and achieving you goals versus on the side line waiting for that “perfect” something ….which never comes? Aha …

It’s great now and it will get better with time  an improved skill set & mindset ….

How did I ditch that “Perfect” and dive straight in…click here to learn more …

Kat x


Oh if you haven’t already done so ..

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