In the New Year so many make New Years Resolutions.  I get it you have all the good intention however this is 3 reasons why most will not work. You can check out the video below.

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Is your long term vision in line with your goals – Cause if it isn’t you are pretty much going to hit a brick wall. Sit down and look at your Vision,  are your goals reflecting your Vision. Are they set up to achieve your long term goal.


This is a classic reason why your New Years resolution may not work. Is the Goal too big?

For example the goal that I hear often is I will lose weight in 2 months and generally the goal is so high. So once 1 month is over, and you are not even 1/4 of the way there, you will quit. Lowering Moral momentum and you will not take further action. Personally I do not set any New Years Resolutions. Rather 3 monthly goals that are broken down monthly and weekly. Why ? So that I can see that I can achieve them.


There is no deadline set.

Without a deadline you can’t see the end in sight. Have you heard yourself saying  ” Oh I will get it tomorrow ? ” and tomorrow never comes? A timeline will encourage you to take action it’s that simple. For example lets use the weight goal. If you want to lose weight, set a realistic time frame. Then take action, join a gym , change your eating habits. Do something that will enable you to see a result. This encourage you to be more consistent and continue.

I hope this has helped…

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Kat x

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