That golden question ….

How  not get burned out while doing it all.

When you are juggling work, a personal life and throw in kids in the mix, I get it.
It’s so easy to get burnt out.
I have I been there ? Oh boy  …a few times and once it was not pretty …ended up in a bad accident due to not concentrating from sheer exhaustion.
Now that’s not pretty …
So what You do do so that you do not get burnout …when you see it coming?
There’s few things that I have now do that pull me back falling into that state.

Do not lost sight of your Vision as that will keep you in tap with your goals.

Here’s a couple of tips for you
1. Work at 80-90% 100 % of the time …
This is one that I used to do alot and I had a big time burnout …working 150% many days then cause I’m so tired I would be  running at 30 %of my capacity.
It’s like driving a car that’s just been serviced and then running it down and driving with no fuel & you can hear the grind..I used to feel my body ache..
So best that you are working at 80 or 90 % what is manageable to you.
However, you need to consistent at that if winning LONG TERM is your Goal
2 Listen to your mind...
If you have a massive week, and you know your “To do ” is a mile long …what is more effective trying to finish that burning the midnight candle or having a good nights sleep.
Perhaps you need to go for a walk and clear your head and switch off from all the shiny objects?
Then wake up the next morning with a full tank of brain fuel and power through!!!
Your productivity will be so much better and I dare say everyone around you will thank you too..
for the better mood you are in !! ( I hear you )
3. Be ok if things take longer
OMG I used to punish myself for this …bad move that was …as nothing was done and then I was wondering why I was going around in circles!
Who can relate ? So it took an extra day !!
As entrepreneurs we often impose deadlines on ourselves that we’d never put on anyone else.
Ask yourself  – Are these realistic deadlines if not change them.
Remember if they are doable you will feel happy and Burnout is not in sight!
4. Take Care of YOU!!!!
If you burnout …what then ? Was it worth it? Nope…
Take time out for you …15 minutes a day of mindfulness just pulls you in line .
There’s so many videos/podcasts out there.
Listen to whatever floats your boat…so that you do not sink!!!
It’s that simple. We were not born to be superhuman…
I hope this has helped …if it has let me know and comment below.


Kat x
For more training join me in the Triple M inner circle  over on Facebook 

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